Property Maintenance
To the residents and businesses of Garfield,
The purpose of performing property maintenance inspections is to improve the quality of life and to ensure public health, safety, welfare, and good sanitary conditions for all residents. Keeping up with property maintenance will prevent the infestation of rodents, insects, and other critters that seek refuge where properties are left untidy. Some of the common violations we are seeing on private properties are rubbish or trash, litter overgrown weeds, brush, and shrubbery.
Snow Removal Regulations:
All property owners must remove snow and ice from sidewalks post 24 hours. This means that you have 24 hours to clean your sidewalks as soon as storm has ended.
Rules & Violations:
- Exterior of structures not maintained in good repair, structurally sound, clean, safe, and in sanitary condition.
- Unlicensed or inoperable or dismantled vehicles stored on premise.
- Garbage not stored in proper containers with lids. Cardboard not tied or bundled properly.
- Overgrowth of weeds/grass or vegetation.
- Graffiti.
- Sidewalks, steps, driveways in disrepair, such as, raised, cracked or broken.
- Handrails not secured.
- Address number not visible from the street.(Four inch numbers).
- Fences, retaining walls, garage/sheds not structurally sound.
- Storage of an oversize vehicle on residential property. (>5,500 lbs.)
- Curb-side garbage/recycles: No person, firm, or organization shall place garbage, refuse, solid waste, or recyclables on the curb for disposal pickup prior to 4:00 p.m. the day before said pickup schedule.
- Recycling is mandatory.
- Blocking or obstructing public right of way.(sidewalk or roadway)
- Parking a vehicle on the front lawn.
- Maintain property free from litter.